Senior Software Engineer @ Cast Ai

Cast ai - Budapest
új ajánlat (05/07/2024)

munkaköri leírás

  • You have to be physically in any of the European countries GMT 0 to GMT +3
  • Strongsoftware engineering skills
  • Able to design and implement complex systems and architectures.
  • Proficient in conducting thorough code reviews.
  • Adept at navigating through large codebases and effectively debug issues in others' code.
  • Working with very little to no oversight beyond high-level directions.
  • Ability to reach technical consensus through async (write-ups) and sync communications on a high-level approach.
  • Understand technologies behind key Cloud building blocks(Network, Compute, Storage etc) and our stack (described above).
  • Strong English skills inverbal and written communications
  • Ability to work independently or with a group

Candidates with these traits will be most likelysuccessfulin our hiring process:

  • Specialized Expertise:
    We seek developers who are strongly committed to front-end or back-end development and demonstrate deep mastery in their chosen area.
  • Strong Software Engineering Foundations:
    You should have production-level experience with complex codebases and proficiency in statically typed languages like Go, C#, Java, Scala, etc.
  • Self-motivated:
    You thrive in environments where you can define solutions to problems and drive projects forward with minimal direction.
  • Proactive Communication:
    You confidently speak up, ask questions, and constructively challenge leadership proposals.
  • Experience with Complex Problems:
    You actively seek challenging projects and have a proven track record of successfully delivering non-trivial work.
  • Focused and Efficient:
    You prioritize effectively, avoiding distractions and unnecessary details to maintain focus on important tasks.
  • Accountability:
    You take ownership of your work, from development to deployment, and participate fully in your team's on-call rotations.

  • Team of highly skilledprofessionalsto work with and learn from.
  • Impact and visibility. We’re still a relatively small company, every contribution counts.
  • Flat hierarchy.Getting in touch with the CEO, CTO, and all the other people from CAST AI team is not only possible but encouraged.
  • Short feedback loop. We are customer-oriented so that we ship our code changes fast in order to get customer feedback right away.
  • Flexible working location and hours.
  • Monthly salaryfrom €6000 to €8000 (gross) depending on the level of experience.
  • Skin in the game. Every engineering member gets stock options of the company.
  • Focus time:
    minimum overhead of meetings, bureaucracy &
    , etc.
  • 10%self-improvementtime for personal projects.

,[We are hiring capable Senior Software Engineers if you're unsure which team to apply. This is the place to talk to hiring managers to help you find the most suitable team based on your strengths., We have a very strong engineering culture, and no matter which team you join, each day is usually full of challenges.,, Challenges based on your strengths:
, Writing complex Enterprise features that affect millions of revenue., Hacking Cloud provider APIs, and bending Linux/Windows to your will, Hacking Kubernetes and adding missing pieces, Hacking OS, Container Runtimes and Drivers, Application Performance tuning, Database performance tuning, Ingesting large amounts of data and time-series and producing snappy reports, Being part of CAST AI engineering organization will involve design and decision-making end-to-end while collaborating with colleagues from other teams. CAST AI being a technical product, it is encouraged not only to go and code something as written in the JIRA ticket but to challenge requirements or to come up with new features &
potential solutions to the problems that customers are facing.,, Here are some of the tools we use daily:
, GoLang is our main language, while Python is an accepted alternative for some of the cases like end2end and ML., Kubernetes, which our product is evolving around., AWS, GCP, and Azure cloud providers, which are currently supported in our platform., PostgreSQL and Cloud Object Storage for persistence., GCP Pub/Sub for messaging., gRPC for internal communication., REST for public APIs., We use GitLab CI with ArgoCD as our GitOps CD engine., Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, and Tempo for observability.] Requirements:
Public cloud, Backend, Architecture, Testing, Engineering, Golang, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Azure, Golang Additionally:
Training budget, Flat structure, Small teams.

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Senior Software Engineer @ Cast Ai

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